I am a globally recognised communications data expert, who works as an adviser, trainer and consultant to security services, government, and police forces around the world. My experience, and USP, is based on 38 years as a detective, which includes experience gained working for the UK National Crime Agency (NCA), Metropolitan police, Child Exploitation and Online Exploitation (CEOP), and UK/US government agencies, in the capacity of overt, reactive and covert operations management. I have been involved in the tracking of high profile cases, murder and major crime data analysis, and persons and vessel track and trace. I am an open source expert (SME) and lead advisor for forces and government agencies both domestic and abroad. My specialist area is OSINT, Surface and deep web scraping and intelligence gathering, Dark web track and trace, device tracking and interrogation, alternative profile digital shadowing, Vehicle telematics, Advanced OSINT skills, injection and weaponizing, digitally profiling wanted persons and manhunts. I deliver these, and other subjects to government and law enforcement globally and lecture for international policing organisations: EU cybercrime twinning project, Global government agencies, Military, The Council of Europe , UNODC, Colleges and universities, and The UK College of Policing. I also lecture to media companies in effective online data searching, and advise prosecution and defence attorneys, and solicitors, in data analysis when dealing with online data sets and evidence, and effective online researching and data harvesting, recruitment vetting and organisational security. I run my own training company and law enforcement open sourcing tools site to empower and train officers and staff around the world on best practice and lateral thinking in investigations online( whether criminal or vetting research). I also deliver surveillance courses in relation to technical exploits and opportunities whilst engaged in surveillance operations.